We are accredited to administer the full suite of tools developed by Human Synergistics International.
Organisation Development
For developing Organisations, the Organisational Culture Inventory™ and Organisation Effectiveness Inventory™ measure an organisation’s culture and effectiveness and can form a very powerful platform on which to build organisational change.
Team Development
For developing Teams, the Group Styles Inventory™ assesses the way in which members interact with one another. Together with a series of Business Simulations, this can be a powerful basis for analysing team behaviour and building stronger teams.
Personal Development
- For development of Individuals, Managers and Leaders:
- The AMA DISC Survey™ measures four baisc styles of behaviour.
- The Life Styles Inventory™ provides a 360-degree assessment of individual thinking and behavioural styles.
- The Leadership/Impact® assessment provides a 360-degree assessment of the impact a leader has on others’ behaviours and the effectiveness of the styles and approaches a leader adopts.